Chandrayaan-3, the third edition of India's Moon mission, will be launched on Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM3) from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota at 2:35 PM today. This time its lander has 4 engines and the land boundary has been kept more and it does not have an orbiter. It is headed by a woman scientist, Ritu Karidhal, who is a resident of Lucknow.
The second Chandrayaan was launched on 22 July 2019, which unfortunately could not make a soft landing due to some reasons, but its orbiter is still functional. The main reason for the failure of Chandrayaan 2 was that the landing area was sparsely covered and the lander area exited the capsule leading to loss of contact. The reason for its failure was also 5 engines due to which the pressure went out of control.
Earlier on 22 October 2008, the first Chandrayaan mission was successfully launched, which was successful.
Many congratulations to all the scientists of the Trinity Institute of Innovation in Professional Studies (TIIPS), the Best Engineering College in Delhi NCR.
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